My camera's growing on me. I've had it for about 3 (?) years now,
and it surprises me w/ beautiful pictures like the 2nd one.
Anyhoots, this is a crepe recipe I had to test out so we can sell
it on Sunday as a fundraiser for my church. Pardon the horrendous
lighting--fluorescent always was my worst enemy..
hoo man! i was trying to upload pics of the FIRST crepe hahaha
can you say u-g-l-y? it looked like a shriveled mole on a hundred-year-old
man's face.. enlarged to the 10th power! hahaha! after the first two though,
they started coming along nicely :)
anyhoots, crepes + nutella + ice cream on Sunday for fundraiser..
hope you guys like it :)
dreamland is calling. goodnight.
oh my goodness i LOVE crepes. you've got to teach me how to make them.
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