..last night was marvelous. for the first time, I was able to sing my songs.. in public! :) .. as in.. strangers! ;) as in..real people! hahah.. thanks so much to ms. andrea hamilton for letting me do so. here's a posted video of myself & andrea singing some songs. thanks to kris, marv, hendrix, markie & jan for supporting me. you guys rock. (sorry i didn't tell the whole world.. haha..i get really shy singing around people i know.. but.. with strangers.. not so shy.. hehe) the first song I sang was an original called "one more again".. then interwined with jimmy needham's "dearly loved"--he's my biggest inspiration as a christian artist. I really look up to him! :) i messed up like a million times.. and, my voice was like flat the whole time.. :( but i know that's not the point... anyhoots! let me know what you guys think, hopefully you were all blessed. to Him be the glory..
love, love, me! :)
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